Motion, strain and fatigue measurement.
HMC addressed the project under the acronym SafePlan. SafePlan (Strain Analyses and Fatigue Engineering and Planning in Ocean Transportation and Towages) is a software suite consisting of a number of applications. The programs inside SafePlan are installed on all kind of heavy-cargo vessels and other ships.

In its 25 years of existence the independent engineering firm HMC always has had a high standard for technological improvement and development. HMC invests every year its utmost time and effort in research & development of the products and services delivered.

Reduce fuel consumption up to 5% with HMC’s EcoTrim
Trim Optimization to reduce consumption and emissions. For one of our ships, the saving has been 112.5 tons in 1 year.

The Marine Quality Kit is a tool to monitor accelerations, velocities and motions.

Safety system for towing and anchor handling
HMC’s SafeTOW is our safety system which offers a solution for stability aspects of vessels
engaged in towing and anchor handling operations. With this safety system you have the
ability to keep an eye on the tug’s power and propulsion system during your operations.

Variable costs can be reduced by as much as 20% anagement Science is a combination of statistics, operation research and mathematics. HMC specialises in Management Science and Information and Communication Technology Application for the maritime Industry. Case studies proved that considerable cost savings could be obtained using these applications.

HMC’s Dock Administration and Planning software
Docking periods are mandatory downtime periods which only cost money to operators and
owners of vessels. As the complexity of and demand for special ships increases, an hour of
downtime gets more and more expensive. It is therefore crucial to reduce downtime due to
docking and maintenance periods as much as possible. This is where the software program
DockPlan comes in. DockPlan keeps track of all required maintenance activities, materials
and skills needed to complete a job. Via a sophisticated algorithm, a critical path of planned
activities is determined. The effect of changes and delays to the planning are directly visible
and can be acted upon immediately.

HMC’s crew administration and planning program
CrewPlan 6 is HMC’s solution for Crew Planning and Administration. CrewPlan 6 features a
Gantt chart in which the planning per ship as well as crewmember specific data can be kept,
such as on and off times, expiry dates of legal documents, certificates and planning and registry
of medical checks. A unique ability in CrewPlan 6 is the automatic schedule check:
CrewPlan 6 automatically lists all inconsistencies and warns for future planning problems so
that users can act in advance and plan ahead, diminishing planning problems.

HMC introduces
Fuel Efficiency Monitoring System
With stringent emission regulations on the horizon, the market is in need of a system which measures your ship’s efficiency.
HMC is proud to present an intelligent tool which measures your actual fuel consumption and generates a detailed overview for optimizing engine and fleet performance while maintaining emissions compliance.

The need for roll stabilization on board is self evident. The roll response of any vessel is
highest when she is adrift at zero speed. Under these circumstances, the vessel will assume a
position beam to the predominant sea direction and roll violently. Fin type roll stabilization
systems are effective only when the ship is under way at or near full speed, they are ineffective
at lower speeds.

Optimisation algorithm for stowage
Since the advent of cargo containerisation some 60 years ago, the shipping industry has steadily continued to evolve. Today there is an increasing share of containers moving under the control of ship operators through several different land and sea transport modes. As the economic benefits of this intermodal network have been wrung out the system, they have largely been passed on to the purchasers of transportation.